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Invest in Diamonds

Looking to invest in our diamonds, a commodity that holds firm and possibly gains value during recessions and market crashes?

Then diamonds could be for you. But like everything in life it’s not that easy! To invest in diamonds you need to know: what types of diamonds to buy, when to buy, how to find the ideal buying price and what the demand and supply looks like. This is where TDS investments comes in to guide you.

We have a comprehensive blog going through some historical data of investment grade diamonds performance. However the past performance of any asset is not indicative of future performance, but it can give us an idea of what to expect.

Diamond investments also fall into a grey area, unlike traditional investments in stocks or shares. If you are moving to another country you are not required. to sell your shares and move the money to another broker overseas to reinvest, instead you can simply ship your diamond to your next residence.

Due to investment diamonds being a very rare commodity and hard to find minimum investment capital required is R500 000. We will assist you in getting your investment diamond and depending on what your capital is we will recommend the ideal diamond. For more detailed information on investment diamonds click on the button below!

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